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The MG Lightning Arrester is a special, sophisticated device manufactured by Murickens Group. This device's primary function is to protect electronic devices from high voltage.Lightning arresters are available in a variety of capacities.Copper was used to produce this device.The primary reason for using copper as a manufacturing material is that its high conductivity allows lightning energy to be quickly transmitted. A lightning arrester typically has a high-voltage terminal and a ground terminal.It is used for commercial as well as residential lightning protection.A lightning arrester, also known as a lightning isolator, is a device used on electric power transmission and telecommunication systems to protect the system’s insulation and conductors from the damaging effects of lightning.This has both a high-voltage and a ground terminal.Lightning rods with spikes protect tall buildings and isolated structures from lightning strikes. The lightning arrester enables in the prevention of lightning strikes. It gives the current a low impedance path to the ground. It has a very powerful central ion generating system that produces ions and does not require any external power supply. Murickens Group is one of the leading manufacturer of MG and Flyline products.

Lightning Arresters from the ThunderGuard Series ESE It is uniquely created with a unique design philosophy in accordance with the NFC-French Standard and was developed and designed in our highly advanced labs. Thunderguard employs synthesis techniques such as leader discharge, impedance to restrict current, air-gap discharge, and others to construct leader channels in advance, increase lightning effects, lower discharge voltage, and vary the lightning current discharge process. As a result, it broadens the lightning wave, flattens the leading wave, reduces amplitude, broadens the scope of protection, prevents side striking and shielding failure, and lastly, actively suppresses the harm of a ground potential counterattack. As a result, it is an excellent mechanism for preventing direct lightning.


Central bar.
Trigger gear.
Dead plate of exciter.


Outstanding performance.
Extraordinary strength.
Long life span.
Excellent electrical dissipation capacity.
Low subsistence is required.
Precise dimension.


No periodic maintenance is required.
On-site easy installation.
Electromagnetic interference.
Easy to use.
Save from Damage in earthing lines.
Lighting strokes can cause less property damage.
Shielded from bad weather.


Petrochemical Stations.
LNG stations.
Nuclear stations.
Food Processing Industries.
Water Treatment Plants.
Building protection Units.

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