The MG Lightning Arrester is a special, sophisticated device manufactured by Murickens Group. This device's primary function is to protect electronic devices from high voltage.Lightning arresters are available in a variety of capacities.Copper was used to produce this device.The primary reason for using copper as a manufacturing material is that its high conductivity allows lightning energy to be quickly transmitted. A lightning arrester typically has a high-voltage terminal and a ground terminal.It is used for commercial as well as residential lightning protection.A lightning arrester, also known as a lightning isolator, is a device used on electric power transmission and telecommunication systems to protect the system’s insulation and conductors from the damaging effects of lightning.This has both a high-voltage and a ground terminal.Lightning rods with spikes protect tall buildings and isolated structures from lightning strikes. The lightning arrester enables in the prevention of lightning strikes. It gives the current a low impedance path to the ground. It has a very powerful central ion generating system that produces ions and does not require any external power supply. Murickens Group is one of the leading manufacturer of MG and Flyline products.